Harness the Power of Iron Repair & Optimize Absorption
❤ When Beginning Iron Repair, Start Slowly
Why: Your body has been through a lot as a result of iron deficiency.
You're probably excited to get started & start feeling better, but it's important to give your body time to adjust to a new supplement.
Start by taking 1 Iron Repair capsule per day to ensure your body tolerates it well, then work your way up to a higher dose, if needed.
❤ Take 1-2 Capsules at a time - If additional doses are needed, separate by at least 2-3 hours.
Why: Our bodies are designed with a brilliant safety system in place to protect us from too much iron.
Natural spleen iron absorption is a 'saturable pathway', that just means that when all the absorption sites are full your body won't allow any more in.
Iron Repair’s dosage is formulated with that safety system in mind.
Therefore, by allowing at 2-3 hours between each dose, your body is able to maximize absorption and minimize waste.
❤ Take WITH or WITHOUT Food
Why: Iron Repair is much more 'user friendly' than traditional synthetic iron supplements! Natural spleen iron absorption is not blocked by the MANY things that interfere with non-heme absorption.
Iron Repair is NOT blocked by coffee, tea, eggs, phytates, polyphenols, magnesium. Feel free to enjoy your coffee & tea again. (I often take my Iron Repair with my coffee & Collagen each morning)
Also, Iron Repair does NOT require an acidic environment for absorption This means that you don’t need to take mega doses of Vitamin C. Another great benefit is that those on acid reducers are able to absorb Iron Repair.
The only factor that may interfere with spleen iron absorption is calcium, in amounts over 300 mg/serving. This just means that modest amounts of calcium in the foods you eat aren't a problem, but make sure to separate a large dose calcium supplement from your Iron Repair.
❤ Stay Hydrated
Why: Our bodies need proper hydration to function and absorb nutrients properly.
When it's time to take Iron Repair, use that opportunity to drink a glass of water to ensure your body has the hydration it needs to do all the amazing things it does.
❤ Take Consistently to See Improvement
Why: When dealing with iron deficiency, it takes time to restore your iron levels.
Our bodies work hard to keep circulating iron (hemoglobin) optimal, so that is the first place your body will send iron.
Once the body feels that hemoglobin is stable, it will begin to send iron to replenish its storage (ferritin).
This process takes time, especially if the cause of your iron deficiency has not been addressed. Be patient with your body & continue to take Iron Repair consistently.
❤ Work With Your Doctor to Ensure Healthy Iron Levels
Why: Knowledge is power.
Being an active participant in your health by working with your doctor & monitoring your blood work will help to ensure you reach healthy & optimal levels.
For More Information about Fighting Back Against Iron Deficiency
Download Your FREE Copy of the Iron Repair Manual
Disclaimer: This content is strictly the opinion of Krystal Moore or Three Arrows Nutra, LLC and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Krystal Moore, Three Arrows Nutra, LLC nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.